Eco Earplugs
Western Australia's Custom Ear Plug Specialists
Eco Earplugs are an audiology service located in Perth that offer custom fitted earplugs that can be used for hearing protection against excessive noise, or to keep your ears dry when swimming. Suitable for children that have grommets or adults prone to outer ear infections ('swimmers ear').
Earplugs Made for:
Industrial Noise
Benefits of Eco Earplugs:
Custom Made for Best Fit and Comfort
Reusabale and Environmentally Friendly
Cost Effective
About Eco Earplugs
Suitable for adults that are prone to swimmers ear and children who have grommets.
Eco Earplugs keep the ears dry when swimming and can help to prevent ear infections.
Specialised material used complies with the Australian Hearing Standards AS/NZS1270-2002 as Class 5 hearing protection with a SLC 80 rating of 28.
Quick and correct fitting, every time makes sure you or your workers hearing is protected from noise induced hearing loss.
Made to be REUSED
Each pair of Eco Earplugs can be reused over a maximum of 5 years, which can prevent 3900 pairs of foam earplugs ending up in landfill over the 5 years.
Each worker uses approximately 3 pairs of disposable foam earplugs per day over a 220 day work year equates to 780 pairs per worker per year.
Made for YOUR EARS
Each pair of Eco Earplugs are unique and tailor made for you.
Being custom made for your ears makes sure they are optimally protecting your ears and hearing, every time.
Made for $95 per pair
Eco Earplugs cost $95 per pair and can last 5 years. Compared to disposable earplugs, it is much more cost effective.
A pair of disposable foam earplugs cost around $2 per pair. 780 pairs per year cost $1560. Over 5 years it will cost $7800.
Book An Appointment
30 min
100 Australian dollars30 min
100 Australian dollars
Contact Us
Suite 1, 204 Balcatta Road, Balcatta Perth WA 6021 (Clear Ears Perth)